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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1921년) ◈
◇ 6월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 6권 다음
목   차

1. 6월 1일

1st. Wednesday. Rain last night. A cool fresh morning.
6:30 p.m. went to 明月館 where Mr. Noh Jung Il 盧正一 was entertained to the Korean supper by his friends and lionizers. He spent a number of years in America and a year or two in "doing up" England, France, Italy and the Holy Land. He met 致旺 at Glasgow and reports good things of him.
In a Paris restaurant, having declined to take wine or beer he was charged for a glass of water. The taxicabmen in Paris squeezed him without conscience. In London he paid a taximan 1 pound note. The driver took only 8 shillings and returned 12 shillings to Noh. A striking illustration of the public morality of Paris and London.

2. 6월 2일

2nd. Thursday. Beautiful. almost cold in the morning.
On the 26th May Prof. 久保, the teacher in Anatomy in the Government Medical School showed some skulls to a group of students of whom 6 were Koreans and the rest, Japanese. Next day 久保 announcing the fact that a skull was missing, plainly said in so many naked words that the theft must have been the act of a Korean and not of a Japanese student because the Korean, from his racial characteristics, is capable of such deeds while a Japanese is too honorable to do such a mean action. This exceedingly unteacher like statement from a professor who had never missed an opportunity to insult Koreans as individuals and as a race in his professional lectures and remarks, was too much for the Korean boys. On the 1st inst. the Japanese students held a meeting with the purpose of throwing the entire stigma on the Koreans. For self-protection the Korean boys held a meeting to adopt a plan of action. The school authorities who took no notice of the Japanese meeting, ordered the Koreans to get out of the room calling them "bakas" and "namaikis." Even police were called in to disperse them! The Korean boys were so incensed at the step―motherly attitude of the school authorities that they passed a resolution not to attend the lectures until 久保 is dismissed.

3. 6월 3일

3rd. Friday. Beautiful.
Mr. 柳宗悅 gave an address this afternoon on the Fine art of Korea. He frankly acknowledged that Japan owes everything to Korea in the way fine arts.

4. 6월 4일

4th. Saturday. Cloudy.
Between the May under the auspices of the Pyong Yang City Y.M.C.A. an inter-school foot ball contest was held in that city. All together teams participated in the game. When the Pyong Yang team saw that they were to be beaten they and their friends, the Pyong Yang people rushed on the umpire 玄 stopped him, stoned him and shouted to kill the Seoul man. The police had to take out pistols to protect the umpire and barely saved him from the infuriated mob.
What a sad comment on the patriotism of the Pyong Yang people! To invite people to their city and then pelt them with stones―slapping the umpire, trying to kill him!
Yi Pyong Sam who used to be a physical director in Seoul Y. and who acted as co-umpire with 玄, made no efforts to pacify the fury of his people but slipped off when the storm broke out. The meanness of the Pyong Yang people on this occasion beggars description.
During the 5 centuries of Yi Dynasty, the people of North Western provinces were placed under political disqualifications and treated with humiliating discriminations. That the North Westerners had a just cause for hating the Southern Koreans―especially those of the ruling caste, goes without saying. But is this the time to harbor and practice the spirit of an-eye-for-an-eye-and a-tooth-for-a-tooth plan of revenge? If everybody wanted to get even with his enemies in Korea when shall we ever become a united race?

5. 6월 5일

5th. Sunday. Beautiful.

6. 6월 6일

6th. Monday. Beautiful.

7. 6월 7일

7th. Tuesday. Beautiful.

8. 6월 8일

8th. Wednesday. Beautiful.
My friend Mr. Hong Choon Hyen has fixed up a 10 kan "sarang" at ¥1,000.00 per kan, he says without accepting his statement wholesale I must admit that it is a nice "sarang." I would like to have a nice sarang fit up to suit my taste; but the ever present sense of insecurity and uncertainly keeps me from making the attempt. For the last twenty seven years have I seen a time in Korea when I felt secure and certain of anything?

9. 6월 9일

9th. Thursday. Beautiful.

10. 6월 10일

10th. Friday. Cloudy and steamy―showers on and off.
9:30 went to 獎忠壇 to see the field excercise of Y.M.C.A. boys. The showers coming and going kept crowd of sightseers away but kept the ground cool also. A pleasant day.
About 6 p.m. on our way home we, Messrs. 李商在, 金一善, 金弼秀 and 金□□, took in the notorious 新町 or Sinmachi―the licensed quarters. Without pretending that the Koreans are any more virtuous in sexual matters than the Japanese, it is a great disgrace to the Japanese civilization to have introduced the system of "Yoshiwara" into Korea, thus legalizing, popularizing, and glorifying sexual immorality. Dr. Schofield well said that Japan is symbolizing instead of civilizing Korea.

11. 6월 11일

11th. Saturday. Cloudy. Sunshine now and then.
2 p.m. went to 公會堂 to attend the organization ceremony 發起式 of the Reforestry Association of Korea 朝鮮山林會. The large auditorium was nearly 2/3 full of Japanese and Korean guests. A few foreigners were present. Among whom was Dr. Gale. If speeches were trees there were enough of them to have reforested all the bare hills of Korea. One of the speakers consumed 50 minutes.
Had a refreshing bath at Y. Received letters from Allen and 致昌 dated May 10th.
From yesterday 明姬 has chill and fever from 12:30 to 4:30.

12. 6월 12일

12th. Sunday. Beautiful.
Flower Sunday observed in 宗橋 Church.
Met 安□□ in the church. He has just returned from Tokyo. He is a self-made or rather self-making artist. He told me (1) that Yi Jei Chang, another self-taught artist had been admitted to the 官立美術學校 in Tokyo; (2) that the Japanese teachers were very much pleased with the paintings which Yi took with him; (3) that the Korean students in painting are credited with originality; (4) that the Pyong An Do boys in Tokyo are by their insolent sectional spirit and their bad behavior in general, casting discredit on the body of Korean students in Japan. 明姬 sick again.

13. 6월 13일

13th. Monday. Beautiful.

14. 6월 14일

14th. Tuesday. Beautiful.
Messrs. 朴勝鳳 and 兪星濬 are planning to organize a stock Company with capitalization of 2 million yen or establishing a publishing house to print Christian literature etc. I hesitate to join the crowd for reasons following―(1) Are the Korean Christians able, economically, to subscribe all or most of the shares? (2) Suppose we had the money, have we anybody who not only knows all the details of printing and book binding but who is so honest and conscientious that he will run the business on a business-like, paying basis? I know many a Korean who has wrecked misfortune and that of others by employing dishonest managers. (3) I might approve of the movement on the condition that the work shall be carried on small scale for, say, 5 years until reliable men shall have been thoroughly trained in the details of work. But I know the vain glorious nature of the Koreans will not take my cautious advice. They will start a big plant with an army of employees to eat up all the money in a short time. (4) In case many Pyong An Do men subscribe the shares, there will be sectional quarrels among the stock holders in no time as soon as the work gets started.

15. 6월 15일

15th. Wednesday. Cloudy a.m. Beautiful p.m.
With wife and children called on Mrs. Hardie in the afternoon. Also on Mrs. Ryang. Mrs. Hardie gave me Helen's letter dated May 1st.
Helen had some trouble in her back and was treated by Dr. Petree of Parisky. God grant that the precious child shall be preserved in health of body, of mind and of spirit while in America and that she shall come back to me on accomplished and Christ-like woman who will prove a great blessing to her home, her church and her people.

16. 6월 16일

16th. Thursday. Beautiful.
Mailed letters to Allen and to Dr. Martha Petree of Parisky thanking her for her kindness to Helen.
Yesterday afternoon I mentioned to 崔應鎬 my reasons for not favoring the Printing Company proposition of Mr. 朴勝鳳 and his crowd. Mr. 崔 who has had comparatively wide experience in matters of business(in Korea) endorsed my views. He said it would be easier to get 2 million yen than to get a reliable manager who could do the work as conscientiously as if it were his own personal job. He mentioned the failures of the Silk Filature Co. of 石鎭衡 and of the 纖維會社 and 紡績會社 of 金性洙 as fit illustrations of the fact that it is not money but man that we need to make a business enterprise go.

17. 6월 17일

17th. Friday. Rain all day and all right.

18. 6월 18일

18th. Saturday.
Mailed a letter to 致昌.
Attended the annual meeting of the 苦學生갈톱會. One of the leading speakers 朴一秉―a great hater of the rich people-actually said that if a rich man refused to contribute to the support of the institution, it would be perfectly justifiable to abuse him or to beat him. This fellow some years ago embezzled the public fund of the 西北學會. I am told that this fellow literally had the brass to tell his admiring audiences that it's all right for a poor man to appropriate somebody else's money.

19. 6월 19일

19th. Sunday. Beautiful. Very cool.
Worshipped at 宗橋 Church. Took lunch at Mr. Ryang's. He had just returned from a trip to Vladivostok. Among other things he said that the Koreans in Eastern Siberia are eager for the Gospel of Jesus Christ; that the main reasons are that they, the Koreans, have found out the futility of trusting in a strong government or in a fat bank account. The greatest enemy the Koreans have now is the Chinese mounted bandits.
Mr. R. thinks the Japanese are carrying on in Siberia pretty much the same policy which they carried on in Korea before annexation.

20. 6월 20일

20th. Monday. Beautiful.
Yesterday morning I met 金 who told me that he been to Wonsan. His father 金□□ asked him: "When did you come(너 언제 왓늬?) . The young man surprised me by saying gruffy; "I came back the day before yesterday 그젓긔 왓지오." That is, he returned to Seoul from Wonsan two days ago yet he didn't think it worth while to call on his aged father whom he only met in the church. To reverence father and mother has been the cardinal virtue among the Koreans. The Korean young men are losing that virtue vary fast―and what have they have they got to compensate for the loss?

21. 6월 21일

21st. Tuesday. Beautiful.
In the afternoon with 劉高原, 李主事, 兪鎭昌 took children to 城北洞 for a walk.

22. 6월 22일

22nd. Wednesday. Hot.
The Japanese authorities pay a great deal attention to the streets between the South Gate Station and the Chosen Hotel etc. In fact, they devote their street improvements to those thoroughfares most frequented by foreign visitors or most used by the Japanese for business or pleasure. The streets where Koreans reside are in shameful conditions while garbage bins and W.C. products are left to overflowing accumulations for weeks and weeks, to the discomfort and disgust of the people. Yet the Japanese authorities are the last to admit that they practice any racial discrimination against the Koreans.

23. 6월 23일

23rd. Thursday. Beautiful.
Left Seoul in an auto for 加平邑 8 a.m. Arrived nearly 2 p.m. Met by Messrs. 元翊常, the preacher, 金在◉ and a few other brethren. Put up at Mr. 金在◉'s house.
The village has about 300 houses. The people seem to be better off than those of other villages. The church is a distinct power for good in the place. Tried to take a nap but fleas would not let me; so with Mr. 元 and others we went out to the river and enjoyed the breeze and the pretty natural scenery.
9 p.m. I talked in the church. Advised the young men to do some practical things to help the community―such as night schools; reforestization propaganda; a model fruit and vegetable garden; a dairy.

24. 6월 24일

24th. Friday. Rained until 12 morning.
Left 加平邑 about 11 a.m. The auto was crowded and the road muddy. Reached Seoul nearly 3 p.m. Felt sleepy and tired as I had no sleep last night. Thanks to the fleas.
At 8 p.m. mother, wife, 恩姬 and Washington went to the Y. to see the cinematographic presentation of the life of Christ. On the whole, I didn't enjoy it. Our Lord, it seemed to me, was rather misrepresented by His being made to show too helpless and hopeless agonies in the garden of Gethsemane. Many an oriental philosopher or hero, has shown in similar circumstances nobler attitude of coolness than is ascribed to our Lord by the film makers.

25. 6월 25일

25th. Saturday. Beautiful.
The Annual Meeting of the Central Y.M.C.A. was held this afternoon. Everything passes off smoothly.
During the last 3 days, the juvenile base ball match games have been played on the Pai Chai ground. The final contest for the banner was played between the Sung Suh S.S. team and the Pai Chai juvenile team. The latter was beaten; but on the discovery of certain irregularity on the part of the Sung Suh S.S. team, the Pai Chain boys appealed to the argument of force and used fists and clubs so promiscuously and so vigorously that many of the spectators got so injured that they had to be carried to the hospitals. The Pai Chai crowd from all acts behaved very shabbily. This is the 3d instance when inter-team games ended in bloody and shameful disorders.

26. 6월 26일

26th. Sunday. Beautiful.
Worshipped 宗橋 Church. Dr. Cram and Rev. Branum presented the Christian duty of supporting one's church activities.
Mr. Min Yung Hui is reported to have decided to spend nearly ¥100,000.00 on his school the 徽文義塾. In an editorial the 朝鮮日報 says that Mr. Min occupies the first place among the Koreans in virtue, in fame and in wealth. What a rot! To call Mr. Min virtuous is to teach the youth of Korea that no crime is heinous enough in making money provided you spend a fraction of it in some showy work of public benefit, so called. Min Yung Hui and Yi Yong Ik, the former the immediate cause of the China-Japan war and the latter, that of the Russo-Japanese struggle―these two men can never atone for their crimes by patronizing a school or any number of schools.

27. 6월 27일

27th. Monday. Steamy.
4 p.m. attended the 理事會 of the Seoul Orphanage. Took supper with the members of the B. and the little inmates of the house.
The 갈톱會: (1) Aid Society which was organized some weeks ago with the purpose of building a hostel for the destitute students, met at the Y. dinning room to pass on the draft of the application for official permit to solicit public contributions. The Society has 18 members.
By the way, there are already three organizations whose avowed object is to aid the 苦學生 or destitute student. They are in the order of their birth: (1) The kaltop Hoi 苦學生 갈톱회; (2) the 苦學生 救濟會 and (3) in 苦學生 救濟會 our little society of 18 members is 苦學生 갈톱會 合宿所期成會.
Many a man seems to make merchandize of the destitute student.

28. 6월 28일

28th. Tuesday. A vigorous down pour of welcome rain from about 2 a.m. till 12 morning.
Lunch at Y. where the first session of the B. of Managers met after the Annual Meeting.
Mr. Cynn announced that he expected to attend the Pan-Pacific-Educational Conference to be held at Honolulu in August. I wonder what side he plans to take in presenting the Educational Conditions of Korea.
Accepting the invitation of Mr. 閔太植 I went to the 明月館 to a supper given in honor of the 70th Birthday of Mr. Min Yung Hui. Two things I didn't like (1) I was the oldest guest; (2) the coarse Korean story tellers 李東伯 and kisaings.

29. 6월 29일

29th. Wednesday. Beautiful.

30. 6월 30일

30th. Thursday. Beautiful. Rather steamy from 4 p.m.
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