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◈ 윤치호일기 (1895년) ◈
◇ 3월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 9권)     이전 3권 다음
목   차

1. 3월 1일

1st. (5th of 2nd Moon). Friday.
Rather pleasant―Streets water and mud and snow.
Up at 6 a.m. Went into the Palace to perform the ceremony of thanking T. Majesties for the promotion (謝恩) . While waiting in one of the buildings now not used, read the 23rd psalm and could not but thank the Almighty God, for He indeed has spread a table before me in the presence of my enemies. My mother prayed to the Lord of Heavens that we all might together in peace. Now God has granted unto us this request. Besides my father and I have been promoted. No wonder that my father says "The miracles of God are unspeakably great."
I have no word to express my longing for my precious Darling and my sweet Sister. I shall not be happy without my precious Jewel by my side. But when and how shall I be able to make a decent home for her?
Life in Corea to anyone who has been abroad is, unmodified friction and vexation of spirit.

2. 3월 2일

2nd. (6th). Saturday. Cloudy.
Received a letter from my precious Darling and another from dear Sister. Darling's was dated 20th February.
Reforming myself into a Corean is a task of considerable difficulty. The hair question is almost as vexing as I experienced in China last March. The shoes are so stiff and clumsy! The Corean clothes have never been intended for activity. The socks are white. The hat is as delicate as ( ) . In order to keep the former spotless and the latter perfect, one has to give his whole attention to them.

3. 3월 7일

7th. (11th). Thursday. Cloudy most of the day. Heavy rain in the night.
This morning the Japanese officers who had been sent to disperse Tong Haks reported the result of their campaign to the Cabinent. Mr. Cho, the Minister of War, did not seem to take much interest in the report.
Dr. Allen advises me not to go to Shanghai just yet. Besides, to leave Seoul at this time when the official regulations are being revised may affect my standing in the government. All things considered I have decided to postpone my trip to some other time. In the mean time, my heart literally aches with intense yearning for my dearest Treasure in Shanghai. People appreciate the abolition of the numerous retainers whom big men used to keep to the disgust of tradesmen.
At the end of the Corean year 癸巳 the game played with cards was called Kap-o (甲午) . The players used to say 臺臺層層旗幟甲午 and this was intepreted as a prophecy that the year 甲午 would witness series of war-like operations.
I have seen more drunken fellows on the streets in 3 weeks in Seoul than in 5 years in Shanghai.

4. 3월 9일

9th. (13th). Saturday. A warm and pleasant day.
Streets fearfully muddy. Yesterday a Chinese Pony came from my uncle (李健爀) . Went to the Japanese settlement to get a saddle for the animal. Had a spirited ride and also a spirited scolding from my father for having soiled socks etc.
At 6 p.m. went to a banquet held by the Secretaries of the Cabinet. There were five singing girls and music.
I could not help noticing with interest the following facts:
1. Female costume of Corea lacks the gracefulness of that of Japan, but it is dignified and is free from the gaudy nonsense of the Chinese costume.
2. Coreans are no doubt the greatest smokers in the world. Woman, no matter how fashionable, smoke in season and out of season. Cigarettes, cigars, little pipes and big pipes suit them indifferently well.
3. In the midst of singing, dancing, drinking, eating and in the presence of guests no person blushs to use the urin pot.
4. While singing goes on the room remains constantly filled with smoke.
5. Coreans drink grossly. No matter how large a cup is he never leaves it until the whole content is emptied. They eat as well.
6. The Corean music, such as it is, sounds certainly Detter than that of China or of Japan. A Corean girl may justly be proud of her beautiful feet.

5. 3월 10일

10th. (14th). Sunday. A lovely day.
Mud, mud, mud. At 10 a.m. went to the Sang dong Chapel with Dr. Scranton. I talked to the congregation. Dr. Scranton baptized 6 adults one being a woman.
Took tiffin at Dr. Scranton's. Mrs. Scranton, the mother of the Doctor and his wife make as fine missionaries as any to be found. Dr. S. has very sweet girls. Mrs. S., the "Old Lady" as the Coreans say, founded the female school. Mr. Pak Yong Hio has entrusted the education of his little girl to the Old Lady. He did a very sensible thing.

6. 3월 11일

11th. (15th). Monday. Cloudy most of the day. Snowed in the early a.m. Pretty night.
According to the Corean calendar, this day last year I married my precious, lovely Darling. It made me crazy with longing to see her. All I could do was to sleep with her photo pressed to my heart. I wonder if she thought of me. God be with her and grant that we may soon meet.
Had a long talk with Mr. Ishitsuka 石塚, The Cabinet adviser. He is a handsome young man. He also complained to me of the intriguing propensities of the Corean official. For the first time in a month, had a good bath.
This p.m. wrote to My precious Darling, to Miss H.R., to my cousin at Tokio, and to M.N. Sent a picture of my mother to my own darling.
The following story shows how the Chinese fought at Asan:―
Related by my uncle:
The Chinese soldiers under Generals Yeh and Seh, 葉, 攝 behaved most outrageously in committing the oldest crimes in the newest forms. Besides plundering, looting and raping they did not seem to have anything to do. When one of them went into a musk melon patch, instead of picking the ripe ones, he would pick any and all, ripe or no ripe. Worse still he would pull up the vines by roots thus destroying whole fields for the mere fun of doing mischief. The generals lost no opportunity in telling the poor Coreans how they could and would wipe the Japs out of existence should they venture within the reach of the celestial army.
One day the news came to the Chinese camp that the Japanese soldiers were near at hand. The Chinese generals demanded of the Corean authorities one hundred oxen under the penalty of death. But all who had any beasts of burden had run away and it was impossible for the Corean authorities to meet the demand. They appealed to my cousin for help, who in turn begged my uncle to assist him. Thanks to the influence of my uncle, about 70 cows and oxen were gathered together on the condition that, in case the Chinese did not pay the hire, my uncle should be responsible. The Chinese were very glad to get the beasts and they at once started for Sung Huan 成歡. But before they got to the place the news of the Chinese defeat came. No sooner did they hear it than they pulled out for 公州. Here, before they unloaded the animals, it was rumored that the Japanese were coming apace. The Chinese panic struck ran to 淸州, compelling the cattle drivers to go with them. From 淸州 they made for 忠州 at another rumor of the Japanese advance on them. In the meanwhile the owners of the cattle escaped one by one leaving their animals in the hands of the Chinese. My uncle had to pay for over 50 heads of cattle.
When the Corean government proclaimed last summer the emancipation of slaves, many a slave owner suffered intolerable indignities at the hands of the freedmen. In some cases the newly freed slaves would insult and beat their former masters compelling them to carry sedan chairs for their daughters or wives.

7. 3월 12일

12th. (16th). Tuesday. A pretty day.
Today, in the Cabinet meeting, the Japanese Minister produced a livey discussion by informing the Corean Ministers that the Japanese government would let Corea have Yen 3,000,000 in paper money. Mr. 魚 opposed to the proposition very strongly. If Japan really wants to help Corea, she ought not to insist on such miserable propositions.

8. 3월 14일

14th. (18th). Thursday. Snow, wind, cold, mud an ankle deep.
The wretchedness of weather agrees well with the wretchedness of the condition of Corea.
Early in the a.m. wrote to Mr. Wo Yun Chung, giving him my arguments against accepting the loan in money.
1. Should Corea get 3 million in silver, she could issue convertible notes to the amount of, say, one million thus practically increasing the loan to 4 million. It follows therefore that a paper loan would cost Corea the loss of one million at least.
2. Japan pleas that the withdrawal of silver might produce disturbance in the Japanese market by endangering the stability of her credit system. If such an effect is to be feared in Japan where everything is highly organized, what disaster may we not fear when 3 million of pieces of paper, without a sufficient guarantee for their redemtpion, be let loose on the hopeless and helpless Coreans?
3. Rather than borrowing 3 million of paper, Corea may better reduce the loan to, say, 2 million or 1 1/2 million and issue one million or 1/2 million convertible notes.

9. 3월 19일

19th. (23rd). Tuesday. A lovely day.
Every Corean is crazy over office. The reasons how different persons give for seeking office are often ridiculous and always selfish. One said to me the other day, "I am 30 years old. Have neither riches, nor a title nor sons. I am ignorant and dull. Please make me a "Chusa 主事." Another says he must be a governor because his father is 100 years old. The ten departments are crowded with men who have nothing to do. The Agriculture Department may be managed by 3 men; it has over 30 now. The same with the so called Educational Department.
2. Some time ago, a Japanese visitor told me that he was as much surprised to see the absolute poverty of the people as to see the magnificence of the palace. He need not, though, for either is the cause and effect of the other.
Wrote to my precious Darling, to dear Miss Richardson, and to Dr. Allen. Sent the letters in care of Mr. Hulbert. My dear mother has been suffering very much from a kind of influenza.

10. 3월 20일

20th. (24th). Wednesday. A lovely day.
At 5 p.m. addressed the boys of the Pai Chai School on the educational system of America and the defects in the Croean method of education. Wu Pom Sunn afterward told me that I ought not to waste my time in making speeches; and that I made speeches under the foreigner's protection to promote personal safety; and that education and information are after all leaves and branches while legislation is the root of reformation. I felt very much hurt to be taxed for consulting selfish motives in making speeches when I do so from the purest desire of doing good. He is certainly off in saying that education is of secondary importance to legistlation.
Kim No Wan 金魯完 informed me that:―
1. The bodyguard (武藝廳) are now special courtiers acting as spies to T.M.
2. Y.K.C. is cunning and dangerous (奇險) . He has been making a merchandize of me.
3. His Majesty has tried to induce the English, the Russian and the American Ministers in turn to deliver him from the Japanese. But the U.S. representative told him that the Republic could not involve itself in war with Japan or anybody else for matters Corean.

11. 3월 31일

31st. (6th of 3rd Moon). Sunday. A windy but sunny day.
1. For the last 7 days I have been confined to bed on account of a severe cold.
2. On the 24th received letters from Dr. Y.J. Allen. Dr. Candler and Brother MacDonell. None from my prcious Darling!
3. The loan effected on the miserable condition that 1/2 of the 3 million be in silver and the other 1/2 in paper. The littleness of the Japanese government is contemptible. The Japanese representatives here know what a shabby trick they have practised on the poor, hopeless and helpless Corea. They have not got the cheek enough to tell an American about the wretched loan.
4. A few days ago I wrote to the Minister of Finances urging the importance of non-interfering with merchants and artisans, the wisdom of cutting down expenses by dismissing useless officers etc. etc.
6. Yesterday my Uncle was appointed to the governorship of the important province of Kang Key 江界.
7. On the 27th, wrote to Dr. Candler.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1895년) ◈
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