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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1921년) ◈
◇ 7월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 7권 다음
목   차

1. 7월 1일

1st. Friday. Beautiful.

2. 7월 2일

2nd. Saturday. Hot. Steamy.

3. 7월 3일

3rd. Sunday. Beautiful―Hot.

4. 7월 4일

4th. Monday. Sunny and hot.

5. 7월 5일

5th. Tuesday. Began raining from about 9 a.m. Big rain all the p.m. and the night.

6. 7월 6일

6th. Wednesday. Tremendous rain all day long.

7. 7월 7일

7th. Thursday. Cloudy and steamy.
Mailed a letter to Dr. Kim Yu Taik asking him to return to Korea, on the ground that we need well trained physicians in Korea more than the people in America do.

8. 7월 8일

8th. Friday. Cloudy and Steamy.

9. 7월 9일

9th. Saturday. Steamy.
8 p.m. the 臨時朝鮮人産業大會 held its meeting in the new auditorium of the 天道敎 temple opposite the Tai Won Palace. I was one of the three speakers.

10. 7월 10일

10th. Sunday. Steamy.

11. 7월 11일

11th. Monday. Beautiful.

12. 7월 12일

12th. Tuesday. Beautiful and hot. The hottest day so far 92°F. in the shade.

13. 7월 13일

13th. Wednesday. Exceedingly hot―Steamy.
Received a short note from 致昌.

14. 7월 14일

14th. Thursday. Beautiful morning.
Mailed letters to Dr. Fisher Helen, Dr. Petree. Sent a bill of exchange for1,000(00/100) U.S. gold to Dr. Fisher. Of this amount I asked Dr. Fisher to make the following disposal.
$650(00/100) part payment of Helen's Account to Dr. F.
$125.00 pay to Dr. Petree for Helen's treatment.
$225.00 Helen's vacation and Nash. intial expenses.
Wrote to Allen sending him300.00 the balance of what I intended or promised to send him this year.

15. 7월 15일

15th. Friday. Very hot.

16. 7월 16일

16th. Saturday. Rained hard from early hours of the
morning until 9 a.m.
Left Seoul by the 9:55 a.m. train for 沙里院 Station where I arrived about 3 p.m. was met by the leaders of the 載寧靑年會. Messrs. 鄭浲裕, 金賢洙 and another young man. The light R.R. between 沙里院 and 載寧邑 proved a convenient but rather a slow means of locomotion―as a railed transportation. Arrived at 載寧邑 about 4:30 p.m. Put up at the home of Mr. 金泰玩. 載寧邑 is said to have about 1,000 houses or about 5,000 inhabitants. The Christian Church is a distinct force here. Spoke in the Westside Church. The house crowded but behaved remarkably well considering the great heat.

17. 7월 17일

17th. Sunday.
載寧邑. Hot and steamy. They are complaining of drought in this district. Ten a.m. talked in the East-side Church. At 2 p.m. gave a talk in the Westside Church and at 8 p.m. made another talk in the East-side Church.
載寧 is certainly one of the very few Korean villages where the people seems to be awake to the signs of the times. Proofs (1) The well built Westside Church was built entirely by the Korean Christians and is being run by them without any help from the missionaries. (2) The Primary school is also substantially built. The ground and the building would cost at least ¥25,000.00 now. All this was built and is owned and managed by the Korean Christians without any outside help. They have only recently leveled the hillside for drill ground at the cost ¥700.00 or more. (3) The number of readers of the 東亞日報 is stated to be about 250 thus giving a daily paper to 4 houses in average. (4) Has over 80 young people who are studying some in Seoul and some in Japan. (5) Last year the people bought the old 門樓 as a relic from the Japanese authorities who had no use for it; and set it up on the athletic field at the cost of ¥2000.00.100. The last bespeaks a degree of public spirit that one may not find in any other Korean town. The Song Do people ought to be ashamed of themselves for letting the 滿月城 orchard going to the hands of the Japanese for the trifling sum of ¥4,000.00.
Left 載寧 at 12:10 for 沙里院.

18. 7월 18일

18th. Monday.
Had very poor rest last night on account of heat and fleas. Took breakfast in the schoolroom―being the guest of the brethren of the church.
Boarded the 2:10 p.m. train for Song Do where I arrived about 5:30 p.m. Rain from 沙里院.

19. 7월 19일

19th. Tuesday. Rain on and off.
Song Do home. Took lunch at Miss Nichol's. Bishop Lambuth, Miss White from China, Dr. and Mrs. Cram and Miss Bull of Wonsan were also present.
Mr. 金泰玩 of 載寧 entertained me as royally as his means allowed. He actually spread 19 or 17 dishes―requiring two tables. Yet the preparation of the food was so different from that of Seoul that I couldn't relish any of the dishes. Besides while I was there, my visitors from 6 to 8 at a time were also entertained by my host. A hospitable custom but rather extravagant.

20. 7월 20일

20th. Wednesday. Rained heavy most of the a.m. until 11.
Left Song Do per 11:50 a.m. train for Seoul. Arrived home about 3:30 p.m. Wife not only not a word of welcome or a sign of smile, but absolutely mad―without any explanation and for no reason known. But for the precious children I wouldn't care to do anything to conciliate her. The abominable behavior of wife took away my appetite so that I couldn't eat anything the whole day.
Felt miserable and sick whole day.

21. 7월 21일

21st. Thursday. Torrential rain all day and all night.
Stayed in bed weak and miserable.

22. 7월 22일

22nd. Friday.
Heavy rain on and off in the morning. The sun showed its welcome face just for a few minutes in the afternoon, about 3 p.m. Steamy all the day. Sunshine between 6 and 8.

23. 7월 23일

23rd. Saturday. Beautiful but hot.
Went to the Station to see Mr. Cynn off for Hawaii but was informed that he had to postpone his departure on account of a slight but sudden illness.

24. 7월 24일

24th. Sunday. Very hot.
Worshipped at the 宗橋 Church. Mr. 蔡聖錫 just returned from America preached. He lacked in force.

25. 7월 25일

25th. Monday. Very hot.
Saw Mr. Cynn off Hawaii at the South Gate Station at 10 a.m.

26. 7월 26일

26th. Tuesday. Very hot.
With wife and children went to 城北洞 to spend the day. Enjoyed the breezes and bathing. Returned home nearly 9 p.m.

27. 7월 27일

27th. Wednesday. Very hot. 92°F. 4 p.m.

28. 7월 28일

28th. Thursday.
Indisposition―stayed in bed.

29. 7월 29일

29th. Friday.
Indisposition―a little better.

30. 7월 30일

30th. Saturday. Hot―Sunny.

31. 7월 31일

31st. Sunday. Cloudy―most of the day.
Felt so worn out that I had no taste for anything―food, reading or church. With 劉高原 and 尹明燮 went out to □北洞. The walk was hot and tedious; but enjoyed the streams and shades.
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  지식놀이터 :: 원문/전문 > 기록물 > 개인기록물 카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 7권 다음 영문 
◈ 윤치호일기 (1921년) ◈
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