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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1923년) ◈
◇ 5월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 5권 다음
목   차

1. 5월 1일

1st. Tuesday. Beautiful. Warm.
Song Do home. Real warm. Revival meeting for the High School boys 8 p.m. Pastor Kim Chang Joon from Seoul gave a very sensible and earnest talk.
Candler suffering from an abscess on his left thumb, had to enter the Ivy Hospital for treatment.

2. 5월 2일

2nd. Wednesday. Very warm.
Mailed letters to Mrs. Lochr and Koons.
Song Do home. Revival service in the Church as usual.

3. 5월 3일

3rd. Thursday. Lovely. Warm.
Song Do home. The revival meeting as usual.

4. 5월 4일

4th. Friday. Fine. Warm.
Song Do home. Office as usual. Candler had to undergo another operation, this time under chloroform. God grant he will have no further trouble with the finger but get well and strong soon!
Revival service at the Church. Nine boys promised in public to read the Bible first thing in the morning and to determine to serve God. These beautiful days are not exactly suitable for revival services. The outside is too tempting to the boys after a day's hard work in the class rooms. Besides the faculty must be "revived" before meeting begins with and for the boys. This time no preparation had been made so that the meetings came rather as a surprise. Pastor is one of the sanest preachers and very conscientious.

5. 5월 5일

5th. Saturday. Cloudy. Warm.
Left Song Do for Seoul by 9:05 train in the morning. Arriving at home found wife sick or rather has been sick―as I had expected. What has she to do but to be sick. How can she help being sick when she absolutely does nothing in the way of work or exercise―unless it be the work or exercise―violent one at that―of her tongue only; when she regards laziness and languidly as the signs of "yangbanism,"when her absolute selfishness makes her ever discontented and unhappy.

6. 5월 6일

6th. Sunday. Cloudy. Warm.
Seoul home. Worshipped at 宗橋 Church. Mr. Engel(?) who has charge of the leper mission in Kwang Ju presented to the audience the great problem of helping the 20,000 lepers in Korea. Such a work like that certainly is not something which a person would care to devote his life to unless he were a bonafide Christian missionary.
With wife and children went out to 洪陵 for an outing.

7. 5월 7일

7th. Monday. Beautiful. Warm.
Seoul home. Visited the 動物園 with mother, wife and children from 1 to 4 p.m. The children enjoyed the promenade.
Between yesterday noon and this evening I had nine visitors: 金鶴䄵 who wants me to support his second son through the Higher Common School and then to take care of his livelihood after his graduation. 洪淳赫 whom I have been helping in the C.C.C. during the last 3 years at the rate of ¥270.00 or more a year. 鄭機謨 soliciting contribution for a school in 北間島. 洪 begging money for another school in 北間島. 金應綱 who wants me to help him to pay his debts before he enters the ministry.
李熙元 who wants ¥50.00for repairing his house. 尹旺喜 who asks me to pay his traveling expenses to America. 金弼秀 who desires me to lend him ¥5,000.00!

8. 5월 8일

8th. Tuesday. Rain p.m.
Left Seoul per 12:15 p.m. train for Song Do with 璋喜. Quite welcome(to farmers) , but rather unlooked―for rain from about 2 p.m. Arriving at Song Do 3 p.m. found Candler a little better.

9. 5월 9일

9th. Wednesday. Cloudy a.m. Sunshine p.m. Cool.
Song Do home.

10. 5월 10일

10th. Thursday. Pretty. Warm.
Song Do home. Office as usual. Candler returned home from the Hospital, very weak.

11. 5월 11일

11th. Friday. Pretty. Warm.
Left Song Do 11:55 a.m. train for Seoul.

12. 5월 12일

12th. Saturday. Pretty. Warm.
Seoul home. With wife and Lambuth(琦喜) called on Mrs. Brockman 11 a.m.

13. 5월 13일

13th. Sunday. Cloudy. Cool.
Seoul home. Worshipped at 宗橋 Church. Rain from about 2 p.m. till night-fall.

14. 5월 14일

14th. Monday. Pretty. Warm.
Seoul home.
Where shall I be on this day 20 years―say, May 14th 1943―is the question I pensively ask myself often and often. Surely I shall not be here this day 1953 or 30 years hence. I feel so lonely everytime I think of the host of my friends who have left me. God grant I may live the remaining years of life so that when the time comes for me to leave this strange world with all the mysteries unsolved, I may leave it cheer and hope for the future!

15. 5월 15일

15th. Tuesday. Beautiful. Warm.
Left Seoul 12:15 p.m. train for Song Do with 璋喜.

16. 5월 16일

16th. Wednesday. Beautiful. Warm.
Song Do home. Office as usual.

17. 5월 17일

17th. Thursday. Beautiful. Warm.
Song Do home. Office as usual.

18. 5월 18일

18th. Friday. Pretty. Almost steamy.
Left Song Do 9:05 a.m. train for Seoul. Shower in the afternoon. Had a refreshing bath.
崔鉉 who had failed to render a clear account of what became of ¥l,200.00 or more of the 苦學生갈톱會 合宿所期年會 fund, was detained by the Water Police at 馬關 at the request of the 鐘路警察署. This hopeful "student," wrote me a card charging me with heartlessness for having caused him to be arrested. Now, I did nothing of the sort. The police has the right to investigate into any seeming irregularities in the administration of a public fund, for the collection of which a police permit had to be gotten. The Korean youth who are styling themselves Communists or 共産黨, seem to believe that Communism and honesty don't go together. They are perfectly right in their belief, for no honest man would be a Communist of the Russian or Korean type. Yet let one of these dishonest Korean Communist go and practice his doctrine under Lenin and Co in Moscow. He will soon enough find out that even Communism can't get along without honesty―at least among themselves.

19. 5월 19일

19th. Saturday. Cloud. Warm.
Seoul home. Went to the Seoul Station to bid "Bon Voyage" to Mr. and Mrs. Brockman. From there with cousins 致昭 and 致旿 went to see the baseball match at 培材 school ground.

20. 5월 20일

20th. Sunday. Cloudy. Warm.
Seoul home. Rain most of last night―all this morning. Cleared up late p.m.

21. 5월 21일

21st. Monday. Pretty. Warm.
Seoul home.

22. 5월 22일

22nd. Tuesday. Cloudy. Warm.
Left Seoul 12:15 p.m. train for Song Do. Went to Office straight from station.

23. 5월 23일

23rd. Wednesday. Pretty. Hot.
Song Do home. Office as usual.

24. 5월 24일

24th. Thursday. Cloud and sunshine. Warm.
Office in the morning. Left Song Do 12:55 train for Seoul. A miserable train. Arrived Seoul about 3 p.m. Went to Prince Pak's home to attend a tea party given in honor of Mr. Ford of Hawaii who has been touring in the Far East to promote the interest of Pan-Pacific Association. Understand he organized in Seoul an interracial Pan-Pacific Association each race to be represented by two men, thus keeping the balance of power in the equality of votes. Ford in a little talk, said the Koreans ought to devote themselves to commercial enter prises. He said: "The world will judge Korea not according to the eloquence of her speakers, nor to the ability of her writers, but according to the commercial power and success of her people. Utilize any facility that the Japanese Government may provide for you for commercial education and make the best of it. When you get strong and efficient in commerce then you will have proved yourselves capable of self-government. Japan will give you, then, what you want in the way of autonomy." Mr. Ford simply doesn't and can't know the real intention of the Japanese in regard to Korea.

25. 5월 25일

25th. Friday. Pretty. Cool.
Seoul. Very cool morning. Washington sick―feverish―constipation. Dr. Wilson of Nashville called. I first met him in Vanderbilt over 30 years ago.

26. 5월 26일

26th. Saturday. Cloudy. Cool.
Seoul home. 璋喜 better.

27. 5월 27일

27th. Sunday. Beautiful. Cool.
Seoul home. Worshipped at 宗橋 Church.

28. 5월 28일

28th. Monday. Beautiful. Cool.
Left Seoul 6:50 a.m. train for Song Do. Arrived at Song Do about 10 a.m. Straight to office. Lunch at Mr. Snyder's. The Board of Control of the Song Do Higher Common School met there after the lunch. I proposed to give in one payment ¥100,000.00 which I had promised to contribute in 3 year instalment, if the Board approved of the plan for building an indoor Gym at once also to be used as a temporary assembly room. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the proposal. Left Song Do by 5:05 p.m. train for Seoul. Found Lambuth(琦善) sick¥high temperature. Felt awfully tired.

29. 5월 29일

29th. Tuesday. Pretty. Hot.
Left Seoul with 璋善 and cousin for Sai-mal, per 11:10 a.m. train.

30. 5월 30일

30th. Wednesday. Beautiful. Warm.
Sai-mal home. My uncle's 70th birthday.

31. 5월 31일

31st. Thursday. Pretty. Warm.
璋善 not very well―seems to suffer from indigestion. Left Sai-mal for 成歡 Station in 人力車 at 9:30 a.m. Left Sung Whan 12:50 p.m. train for Seoul.
Candler's finger, after so painful an operation by Dr. Kate, is still giving trouble. Dr. Kate told Candler a joint of the finger had to be amputated. Candler came to Seoul today to consult Dr. Ludlow of the Severance Hospital.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1923년) ◈
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