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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1921년) ◈
◇ 11월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 11권 다음
목   차

1. 11월 1일

1st. Tuesday. Beautiful.
Funeral service of Mrs. Underwood from 11 to 12:30 at the west Gate Church. Are immense crowd. At two p.m. went to the cemetery to say last farewell to the remains of one of the benefactresses of Korea.

2. 11월 2일

2nd. Wednesday. Bright morning.
Went to the R.R. Park to see the baseball match games between the teams of the middle school grade. Showers in the afternoon and quite a down-pour between 7 and 10.
Some weeks ago some twenty Korean lawyers went to Peking to attend the Oriental Lawyers Conference. The Korean made efforts to gain an admission to the conference as an independent body and not as a part of the Japanese delegation. The Chinese and the Philippine lawyers gave their unreserved support to the contentions of the Korean delegates, but the Japanese lawyers threatened to withdraw from the Conference if the Koreans were to be recognized as an independent delegation. Of course the Chinese could not offend the Japanese to that extent so the conference quietly adjourned without giving the Koreans the chance of raising the question. Now, why should the Japanese object to Koreans' being a distinct independent body in a Conference that has no politics to discuss. Why didn't they help the Korean lawyers to get what they wanted? That would have won the good will of the Koreans without hurting the prestige of Japan. The Japanese are a brilliant race but not a great people. If they can't digest the Korean how will they ever swallow the Chinaman?

3. 11월 3일

3rd. Thursday. Windy and cold. Cloudy most of the day. Snow flakes now and then.
Laid up with bad cold in the chest.

4. 11월 4일

4th. Friday. Cloud most of the day.
While the Korean lawyers were in Peking, they―many of them―where robbed twice by the korean "patriots" who demanded everything with loaded pistols. These "patriots" are robbers of the low-down type. Old Dr. Sam Johnson is said to have remarked that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Many a Korean really thinks that patriotism like charity covers a multitude of sins. Thinking thus, they actually commit all sorts of fool things in the name or under the shadow of "patriotism" so called. Very much like the country fellow who believing that a certain kind of parsimony leaf had the magic power of making an object invisibly pasted on his forehead and went out to the market and began to annex the goods in the shops. When he was cuffed and kicked for so doing he exclaimed: "You fellows, don't you know that I am invisible?" Some patriots need kicking badly.

5. 11월 5일

5th. Saturday. Cloud and sunshine.
Premier Hara of Japan is reported to have been stabbed to death at the Tokyo Station last night by a young assassin about 20 years old. What a meaningless murder! The Japanese, as a people, is certainly a blood-thirsty race. Either to kill or to commit suicide is a passion of the Japanese people. The Japanese dailies hardly miss a day without recording some cold blooded murders or suicides.
It is a remarkable fact that no public man of any note has been assassinated in England in the last century as far as I know. Without doubt the Ango―Saxons, with all their faults and crimes, are sanest people in the world, today.

6. 11월 6일

6th. Sunday. Bright.
Which is more disgusting, the rude, impudent, saucy, uppish conduct and manner of the now young man or the excessive politeness, bordering on servility of the old fashioned level haunters. Mr. Yu Ko Won is a typical representative or relic of the later. His suave, hesitating manners, his catlike noiseless footfalls, his excessively humble looks and language―all put on as a matter of etiquette often produces on me a sensation of uncanniness and of disgust that I can't very well disguise. The offensively sauciness of the present generation of young men is, in kind, the very opposite of the old fashioned politeness, but, in reality, the former is the legitimate offspring of the latter. As a senseless revolution is the natural product of a senseless despotism so the senseless politeness of the past regime is the direct cause of the senseless sauciness of the new age.

7. 11월 7일

7th. Monday. Cloud and sunshine.

8. 11월 8일

8th Tuesday. Rather chilly.

9. 11월 9일

9th. Wednesday. Cloud and sunshine.

10. 11월 10일

10th. Thursday. Cloudy more or less.

11. 11월 11일

11th. Friday. Beautiful―a vigorous shower between 9 and 10 a.m.
The 3rd 7th day(三七日) after the birth of 埼善.

12. 11월 12일

12th. Saturday. Pretty.

13. 11월 13일

13th. Sunday. Pretty.

14. 11월 14일

14th. Monday. Pretty.
Mailed letters to 致昌 and 永善. Sent800.00=¥1,675.39 to 致昌 and500.00=¥1,047.12 to 永善 for their respective allowances for the year 1922.

15. 11월 15일

15th. Tuesday. Pretty.

16. 11월 16일

16th. Wednesday. Beautiful.
Mailed letter to 致旺 and a cheque(Bill of Ex.) for £240 =¥1,977.68.
Lord Northcliff passed through Korea a few days ago on his way to Peking. Mr. 呂運弘 tells me he had an interesting interview with him on the train. Lord N. looking out through the window said to "Your people are savages. The natives of Africa live in better huts than those huts. Look at those fellows with long pipes. They don't seem to have any spirit in them." Such unconventional and brusque remarks rolled 呂 on burning coals―mentally. The Newspaper King said further: "Japan doesn't seem to understand how big America is or how rich she is, or what good fighters the Americans are. I don't like the Anglo-Japanese alliance, nor do I want to see it renewed." To 呂's query about the Korean question in the coming Washington Conference, Lord N. said: "The Korean question is nothing. The China problem is the biggest in the East." The Britisher didn't leave any doubt as to his attitude toward the missionary question. He said: "Missionaries are no good. They are out here for nothing but their bread and butter." Then he abruptly asked "How many Christians have you in Korea?" 呂 told him there were about 200,000 Christians. "I don't believe it," said N. "I don't believe there is a single one Christian in Korea." When asked him how many Christians he has in England. The erratic answer was "None!"

17. 11월 17일

17th.Thursday. Gloomy.

18. 11월 18일

18th. Friday. Pretty a.m.
A representative of the 朝鮮日報 went to the train on which Lord Northcliff was on the other day to get an interview. As usual a Honda, from the Tokyo Foreign Office or from the Manchurian R.R. accompanied the distinguished guest all the way from Japan acting as interpreter. When the Korean reporter was introduced to the Editor of the London Times, the latter asked without any preliminaries "Do you want independence?" Taken by surprise and placed between the Japanese officials on one side and Mr. 呂 the independence agitator on the other, the reporter was at a loss what and how to answer for whole 3 minutes. Finally he screwed up his courage to the point to say "Yes." Upon which the amused and pitiless Briton said:" Are you capable to manage an independent state?" The Korean had to say "Yes" again. "Have you men and money to build and run such railroads like this?" asked N. the Korean reporter said something about employing foreign experts and borrowing money from other countries etc. "Borrow!" cynically remarked N. "Who will give you money? I for one wouldn't give a cent to you, Koreans." Mr. Northcliff also said to Mr. 呂運弘 "You Koreans why do you quarrel always among yourselves?" N. is certainly a straight hitter.

19. 11월 19일

19th. Saturday.
Up at 4 a.m. Left Seoul per 7:20 a.m. train for 平澤. Left 平澤 about 10 and arrived Saimal home 12:30. Pretty morning. Cloud and shower in the afternoon.

20. 11월 20일

20th. Sunday.
Mr. 呂運弘 told me that Lord Northcliff said to him "Why do you always quarrel among yourselves?" Mr. Beck, the Secretary of the U.S. Legation also said to Mr. 呂 to the effect that he(B.) was somewhat pessimistic about the Korean cause because of the factional strifes among the leaders―thus making team work well nigh impossible. Mr. 張壽, the lawyer, who was robbed twice by armed bands of Korean "patriots" in Peking said to me: "I would have been glad to be robbed even, if the Koreans in Peking were united in their common work of robbery. There are seven factions among 500 Koreans in Peking." Thus the spirit of petty factionalism is working mightly in the hearts of the Koreans. If a handful leaders in Shanghai can't get along smoothly for a common cause what hope is there for 17 millions to be united?"
I am told that I am suspected and reviled by the "patriots" in Shanghai and Peking for not leaving Korea and joining them. But suppose I were to go among these “patriots" with say, 100 thousand yen how long will it take them to relieve me of my money and to leave me to starve and freeze at my leisure? Kim Ka Jin, I am told is in a desperate condition in Shanghai.

21. 11월 21일

21st. Monday.
Sai Mal home. Beautiful. Wind

22. 11월 22일

22nd. Tuesday. Beautiful. Icy cold.

23. 11월 23일

23rd. Wednesday. Beautiful.
Left Sai Mal about 10:30 a.m. arriving at 成歡 Station about 1 p.m. Left 成歡 per 1:28 p.m. train for Seoul. Arrived home about 5 p.m.
Received a letter from Dr. Fisher with a bill for10093.22.
For the first time I noticed at the 成歡 Station a notice that one could send telegrams from that station but only in Japanese characters. How about the Korean travelers who are ten times more numerous than the Japanese? Thus in little things as well as in big things, the interests and convenience of the Japanese are considered first and last. As for the Koreans, if they can get any benefit from the good things provided for the Japanese all right, if they can't who cares!

24. 11월 24일

24th. Thursday. Cloudy. Snow in the afternoon between 1 and 3.

25. 11월 25일

25th. Friday. Beautiful―Very cold.

26. 11월 26일

26th. Saturday. Pretty and cold.

27. 11월 27일

27th. Sunday. Pretty.

28. 11월 28일

28th. Monday. Gloomy. Rain most of the a.m.

29. 11월 29일

29th. Tuesday. Pretty―Windy.

30. 11월 30일

30th. Wednesday. Bright and cold.
Mr. Glass, the American newspaperman who has been lionized by the Korean Press Association___gave a talk in the Y.M.C.A. on the Power of the Press in the development of a people. After giving a running account of the good things which the Press has done in America and England, he urged the hearers to support the newspapers and magazines now being published in Korea. He advised the Koreans to pay taxes―plenty of them and to see that they are properly used on education and good roads. The first part of the advice is needless because the Japanese will see to it that the Koreans pay plenty of taxes while the second part is useless because the Koreans are not allowed to know in whose pockets their taxes go into.
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◈ 윤치호일기 (1921년) ◈
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