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키워드 :
◈ 윤치호일기 (1940년) ◈
◇ 3월 ◇
카탈로그   목차 (총 : 12권)     이전 3권 다음
목   차

1. 3월 1일

1st. Friday. Bright. Icy.
Seoul home. With wife visited Yi Chul Hie(Yi 恩卿's 2nd daughter) in Dr. Kang's hospital 2 p.m. She had an operation in her nose and expects to have one or two more operations. She is a nice girl, and has a very nice young man for husband(吳麟洙) .
Then we went to our Myong Hie's home about 3 and stayed to supper. Returned home about 7.

2. 3월 2일

2nd. Saturday. Bright. Icy.
Seoul home. Cousin Chi-Soh tells me that his eldest brother cousin Chi-Oh is again deep in debts, and that he(Chi-Oh) demands the payment of his monthly allowance of ¥100.00, three years an advance viz, ¥3,600.00. This old swindler who is as tricky and mischievous as a monkey, seems to have reverted to his old tricks. Cousin Chi-Soh gave him ¥ □□ a month ago to pay his hospital expenses. He "ate" it up and didn't pay a sen to the hospital. This man and Candler seem to have been made of the same stuff.

3. 3월 3일

3rd. Sunday. Bright.
Seoul home.

4. 3월 4일

4th. Monday. Bright.
Seoul home. 10 a.m. attended the Central Y.M.C.A. School Graduation exercises.
5:20 p.m. went to Kin Chio-da(金千代田) Restaurant where Mrs. Im Hyo Jung and other members of her family held a memorial service in honor of her husband who had died a year ago. I understand she married him a penniless newspaper reporter. Thanks to her energy and sagacity(and to good luck) he died 200,000 Yen rich through land speculations. After his death, his brother conspiring with his son, an imbecile-like young fellow, took all the money giving only about ten thousand Yen to Im Hyo Jung.

5. 3월 5일

5th. Tuesday. Cloudy.
Seoul home 10 a.m. attended the Keiki Middle School(formerly the First Higher Common School) Graduation Ceremony.
At 6 p.m. went to the Japanese Y. where a Thanks-giving supper was given in honor of Mr. Matsumoto who had retired lately from the Presidency of the Board of Managers. He served the Y. for many years faithfully and well.

6. 3월 6일

6th. Wednesday. Cloudy―Chilly.
Seoul home. 10 a.m. attended the morning session of the Provincial Assembly of Kyong Ki Do. Mr. □□, Chief of the Legal Section of the Law Dept., gave a lengthy talk on the Amended Civil Ordinances touching the establishment of "Uchi" system in Korea.

7. 3월 7일

7th. Thursday. Bright.
Seoul home. At 6 p.m. invited Mr. Yamashida(山下) , Chief of the Protecting and Watching Bureau(保護觀察所) , with 4 Protectors(保護師) to supper at Chosun Hotel. Asked Messrs.
兪億兼, 鄭光鉉, 尹致暎, to help me entertain these guests. Mr. Yamashida seems to be good, kind hearted me―just the kind of man for the position. Mr. Yokoda, one of the Protectors told Chi Yung, that the "converted"(轉向者) Communists etc. worry and vex him with their insatiable parasitism, ingratitude, all talking well but working poorly.

8. 3월 8일

8th. Friday. Bright.
Seoul home. Stayed at home―with cold. Invited Mr. Han Sung Rin and Dr. Yi Yung Joon to supper at Myong Wol Kwan. Cousin Chi-Yung went with me. About 6:30 I returned home leaving cousin Chi-Yung to act host.

9. 3월 9일

9th. Saturday. Cloudy then bright.
Seoul home. A little rain not enough to lay the dust.
Cousin Chi-Yung came this morning saying the bill last night mounted to ¥95.60! Han Sung Rin called in kisaings and drank and ate until 12. That's the way these fellows get entertained! The Japanese way of entertaining people at restaurants with girls and wine is the most expensive and at the same time the rottenest way.

10. 3월 10일

10th. Sunday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. This being the 35th Anniversary of the Victory of Mukuden, the authorities, both military and civil, celebrated the Army Day with military reviews, sham street fights, students' processions, etc. An open air banquet was given by the Commander of the Army of Korea at Kai-ko-sha at 12:20.

11. 3월 11일

11th. Monday. Rain. Snow. Sun.
Seoul home. A little snow and rain in the morning―then bright sunshine again. I wish we had some refreshing rain to break this dreaded spell of drought.
Mr. Matsuoka, Chief of the Jong No Police Station invited the members of the Committee on Raising Funds for rebuilding the Police Station and for erecting 30 odd houses for the officers of the Station to Chosun Hotel. He reported that ¥530,000.00 had been subscribed by the rich people living in the Jong No Police District. Had a lunch served.

12. 3월 12일

12th. Tuesday. Cloudy―Pale sun. Chilly.
Seoul home. 10 a.m. attended the graduating exercises of the Ewha College. Everything even prayer was done in Japanese. Of 16 events in the program 8 were patriotic nature. (1) Bowing to the flag; (2) Bowing toward the East; (3) Singing the Kimiga-yo; (4) Reading the Imperial Rescript on Education; (5) Reading the Imperial Rescript on the Duties of Youths; (6) Recital of the Patriotic Oath; (7) Singing of Umi-yukaba; (8) Silent Prayer for the Success of the Japanese Arms.
Lunch at the Ladies Home. No coffee.

13. 3월 13일

13th. Wednesday. Rain and snow 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Seoul home. 2 p.m. the special committee on raising funds for the Korea Methodist General Board met at Gray House. Rev. Stokes, Jensen, Chaffin and Miss Edward were missionaries present. Choy Helen, I and Bishop. Jung were Korean members, the last presiding. They decided to raise funds for 4 causes (1) Endowment Fund ¥200,000.00; (2) Running Expenses of the Evangelical Bureau; (3) Special Activities; (4) Building of the Bishop's Residence. These people especially Mr. Stokes, talks as if the Koreans' pockets were bulging with money. Bishop Jung insisted to set down ten men to give 10 thousand Yen each to the endowment. I didn't like the unbusiness way these people talked about asking men to subscribe.

14. 3월 14일

14th. Thursday. Granular snow 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Seoul home. On May 28th, 1938, Dr. Buckman started the Moral Re-Armament Movement. "In a year it has swept across Britain and spread its influence to 50 nations arousing a fervor which marks it as one of the most conspicuous religious movements of modern times." Dr. Buckman said: "The nation must re-arm morally. Imagine a rising tide of absolute honesty and absolute unselfishness sweeping across every country. It would be the end of war." That's all true. No peace will last that is not founded on justice. Will the great Have-Nations throw open their vast resources to the needs of the great Have-not Nations? Moral Re-Armament will bring no real world peace until great nations make first Economic Redistribution just and fair to all.

15. 3월 15일

15th. Friday. Sun a.m. Snow 4-6 p.m.
Seoul home. This morning from 10 to 12 the Good Year Prayer Ceremony was celebrated at the Chosun Shrine attended by the Governor General and most of the Heads of Departments. It was bitterly cold―at least 10 below zero. No hats and over-coats being allowable to the pious worshippers, I as well as others had an awful freezing time of it.
A gift of fine snow from 4:45 to 6 p.m. Too short but better than nothing.

16. 3월 16일

16th. Saturday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. "Moral Re-Armament" won a strong following in Holland; the queen several times publicly endorsed it. Will this Holland give more liberal and liberating government to the Indonesian? Will France be more generous in promoting the educational and political welfare of the Annamites, etc., etc., etc? Will England live up to her promises which she made to the Indian people when she was in sore need of the Indian money and Indian soldiers for the last World-War? Will America give fair treatment to the brilliant Japanese nation in the matter of emigration and trade? If not, M.R.A. will do no good.

17. 3월 17일

17th. Sunday. Bright―Icy chilly.
Seoul home. Yesterday noon invited 朴天澤, 洪秉璇, 李恩卿 to a light lunch at Mitsukoshi. The Mitsukoshi Restaurant is the best kept restaurant of its kind and still gives the best cups of coffee for 15 sen and special brand for 20 sen. This Pak Chun Taik is a dark horse to me. He has a book filled with autographs of some of the wellknown leaders in Tokyo, beginning with Tzu-yama. He wants to make Seoul the headquarters for an Oriental Peace Association, whatever it means. He pesters me by asking me to become the honorary president of the same!
At 10 last night our 琦善 came in without having given us a notice of his arrival to surprise us. God bless him.

18. 3월 18일

18th. Monday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. Some years ago when Hong Pyong Sun returned from a world tour he said in a lecture that what he saw in the West taught him the hard fact that man can only succeed(or live) by being wicked. 사람은 惡해야 산다. He was taken to task by his critics for such naked statement. I suppose he came to that conclusion by studying or observing that all the great Empires of the West had become "great" by being "wicked."
An English writer says Britain is fighting for humanity. He himself admitted that statement would bring smile to many reader's lips. Certainly I do smile. His meaning is that the small nations who are terrified now by the brutal aggressive policies of Stalin and Hitler lived in peace and will continue living in peace if England remain the dominating power in Europe. The truth is that England, France and America are robbers who are satisfied with their super abundant loots while Germany. Italy etc. are hungry robbers who are seeking loots. However it is true that one can feel safer to live with a satisfied robber than with a hungry robber.

19. 3월 19일

19th. Tuesday. Pale sun a.m.
Seoul home. 12 morning with Mr. and Mrs. Hong P.S. went to Pal Dang Ri by bus to see the new site I have lately bought.
Lunch at the inn and returned to the city by 3:41 p.m. train.

20. 3월 20일

20th. Wednesday. Bright-Mild.
Seoul home. 10 a.m. went to the Keiki Girls' High School to see the graduation exercises. Our Bo-Hie graduated. As one of the girls read the farewell address, all the girls of the graduating class wept.
Today being the 61st birthday of Mr. Ko-moto, the worthy principal of the High School, the Alumni Association 慶雲會 gave him a reception. Wife and I presented to him and his wife two embroidered “pangsuk(方席) ” (¥42.90) . We honor him as our five girls have studied under him.

21. 3월 21일

21st. Thursday. Pale sun. Icy wind.
Seoul home. With wife, 善姬祖母, 柳老婆, 光鉉, 文姬, 珽善, took supper at 大連館 6:30 p.m. The surroundings of the house inside and out are not attractive but the "kal-bi" and "Soup-rice" are appetizing. Everybody seemed to enjoy the meal. Cost ¥15.50.

22. 3월 22일

22nd. Friday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. Went to Ewha College with Bo-Hie by 8:45 a.m. train. She and a dozen of her old classmates of the High School, have to stand the entrance examination. I returned to city by 10:53 train.
Attended the Parents' Association of the Normal Primary School for Boys from 2 to 4 p.m.

23. 3월 23일

23rd. Saturday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. At the request of the Ko-moto, the Principal of the Keiki High School for Girls went to Wha-Shin Dept. Restaurant to meet the students from the English Language Dept. of the Hiroshima Normal School. At the lunch table I was asked to say a few words of welcome in English. I felt rather awkward, but I had to comply with the request.

24. 3월 24일

24th. Sunday. Pale sun. Chilly.
Seoul home. 11 a.m. went to Citizens' Hall to attend the marriage ceremony of the daughter of Yi Poong Soon, who used to be the keeper of our hills and sites at Chui-Woon-Jung. He came to Seoul to hunt jobs as a coolie. His son who is working in Wha-Shin Dept. Store seems to be a nice young man. They now have a home of their own and the girl has bloomed out into an attractive young girl. I was only too glad to say congratulatory works for the couple.

25. 3월 25일

25th. Monday. Bright―Mild.
Seoul home. Today being the birthday of brother Chi-Wang, we had a family gathering at his home for the noon meal.

26. 3월 26일

26th. Tuesday. Bright―Mild.
Seoul home. Told Pak Chun Taik, the so called President of the Oriental Peace Society, that there is nobody in Korea who can promote such a movement. Not only so there is nobody in Japan who can, because the world will not believe anybody who heads a Peace Society unless he is able to break peace. If Tzumoto, the Grand Old Man of Tokyo or even Ghandi of India should come to Korea proposing to start a Peace Organization I will simply smile and have nothing to do with them because they can't break peace. If the military and naval leaders of Japan start such a movement, I will join because they have the power to make peace or war.

27. 3월 27일

27th. Wednesday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. A perfect spring day.
Went to Pal-Dang-Ri 9:30 a.m. with 尹炳喆 to see the new site I have lately bought and to decide where to put a little vila on. The Han-River here is a beauty with high mountains on both sides. The narrow valley has just room enough for the Yang Pyong R.R; a bus road, and a few straggling Korean inns. Every inch of the land is being bought up by Japanese and Koreans. I wish I had known the place a year or two ago! Returned home about 4:30 p.m.

28. 3월 28일

28th. Thursday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. 11 a.m. went to An Dong Church to attend the wedding ceremony of cousin Cho-Jip's daughter.
The world has reverted to primitive Jungle Life where the Law of Jungle reigns supreme. To cut through this jungle with a squeamish conscience and a delicate sense of consistency is like cutting one's way through the African jungle with a razor and tooth-pick. Hence the individuals and nations today who succeed best are those who have no conscience nor a sense of consistency

29. 3월 29일

29th. Friday. Beautiful.
Left Seoul 8:46 a.m. for On-Yang Springs with 光善, 琦善, 珽善, 寶姬, 瑛姬. Reaching there about 11:30 went to old On Yang at once in a taxi to pay our respect to the graves of our parents. Returning to the hot springs about 12:30 I at once took the needed bath. After taking a hurried lunch I left On-Yang by 1:10 p.m. train for Chun-An where I boarded the express at 2:46 p.m. for Seoul getting home a little before 5. Went to 半島ホテル to attend a conference which the Mayor and Chief of Provincial Police Bureau had called to discuss the ways and means of raising fund for the Volunteers Helping Association. Many police and Army officials present. Messrs. 李大永 and 曺秉相 suggested to raise ¥300,000.00. The mayor objected. Compromised as ¥100,000.00

30. 3월 30일

30th. Saturday. Cloudy.
Seoul home. Yesterday my heart was made heavy at the sight of parched dryness of the paddy fields. The little lake of Soo-Won was as dry as dust. We must have rain―plentiful rain―and that at once, if we are to have a good year. Rice stores are having hundreds of people lined up.
This day is made epochal by the inauguration of the New Political Regime in China or rather in Nankin under the leadership of Wang Tso Ming. I do most sincerely hope the New Regime will succeed in establishing peace-in-China. Of course, Wang will have to, with and under the protection of Japan. I hope Japan will be as broad-minded in her statesmanship in China as she has been brilliant in her military operations.
The Chinese Consul General Mr. Pone Ham Saing gave a banquet at the Citizens' Hall in commemoration or celebration of the great birthday of New China, 6-8 p.m.

31. 3월 31일

31st. Sunday. Beautiful.
Seoul home. With wife, Sun-Hie's Grandma, Jung sun, Tai Sun, and Yung Hie, went to Pal-Dang-Ri. The children seemed to enjoy the boat riding. Had supper at the Inn(Oh's) and returned to city per 7:40 p.m. train.
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